The interview with Alex

The both photomodels Alex and Nina were so friendly to meet for an interview.

Nina: Where you came from and where you live Alex?


I am from Sofia and I lived almost in whole Bulgaria. I lived in Veliko Tarnovo, Pleven, Sliven, Varna, Shumen. My favorite city is Tarnovo!

Tarnovo is mine favorite city too! 🙂

Alex, what are your hobbies?

I love to dance, I love to read books, to be with my friends, just casual things.

When did you start surfing the Internet?

hmm I was so little, may be second grade? Yes, I was second grade.

When was your first photo?

haha I think my first picture is my birth. My first photo taken by my self was when I was 14.

What is your favorite color?

My favorite color is green.

What is your favourite animal?

My favourite animal is a cat. 🙂

And do you have pets?

I don’t have. Unfortunatelly, I don’t have.

alex-at-field-golden-wetlookleggings-red-high-heelsWhat do you prefer to wear? And your outfit for every day?

I love dresses in my everyday life, when it’s warm. But like every girl I love so much high heels and leggings.

Do you like cooking Alex?

Yes, Nina, yes, so much!

And what is your favourite kitchen?

hmm My favourite kitchen is chinese.

Chinese food, yes that’s really interesting.

What do you wish to all your friends and family for this and the next year?

I want to wish them a lot of health, happyness, a lot of love and.. I wish them all the best!

Alex, thank you for this nice interview!

No problem 🙂

alex-nina-interviewThe photomodels Alex and Nina in the interview

alex-at-field-interviewHobby photomodel Alex at the field on a sunny afternoon

Let’s talk with Yvonne


Hello Yvonne – how do you do?

Hello Yoana, fine, nice to meet you!

Hope, you have a little time for an interview?

Oh, Yoana, always for you!

OK, Yoana, then we can start !

Let’s do it!

Where are you from Yvonne and where do you live?

I am from Bulgaria and I live there.IMG_8578

Is this the right place for you and where would you like to live?

I love my country and for now I want to live here.

What are your hobbies?

I love to watch fantasy movies. This is my passion.

When did you start surfing the Internet and how did you come the first time on this?

I was may be 10 years old ,when i start to use internet.

How old were you at your first photo shoot?

I was 14 years old.

What is your favorite color?

My favorite color is blue.

What’s your favorite animal and why?

My favorite animal is a dog. I have one. His name is Jack.

What do you prefer to wear?

I prefer to wear jeans and sneakers, but like every girl I love dresses and high heels too .

IMG_7326Do you like cooking and may I ask what is your favorite food?

Yes ,I love cooking. My favorite food is fish.

Do you have a motto?

The life is a choice and the choice is in you!

What do you wish for in 2017?

Health ,happiness and love!

Yvonne, that sounds good – so i wish you always health and happiness! Thank you, for this nice interview!


Let’s do it!

Hello – how do you do?

Hello Samy, fine thanks, nice to meet you!

Hope, you have a little time for an interview?


Ok so let’s do it.

What are your hobbies?

Computers, computers and … computers 🙂
Ok only joke 😉 My main hobbies are: computers (internet, emarketing), sport, photography, travel…

What’s your favorite animal and why?freelancer

Dogs – the best animal and friend for people. My dog is very small but i think sometimes is more inteligent then some people 🙂
My dog can smile and he learn himself smiling watching what people do 🙂 When i wake up, my dog smile to me and is happy.

Do you have a motto?

If you can dream it, you can do it – my motto and tatoo 🙂

If you win 1 milion $ what would you do?

I do not know how to win million but i try to earn… and i prefer to earn then win because if i earn 1 milion, i can earn also second.
I hope i will reach it in few years 🙂
If i win 1 milion i invest 0,8 million and 200 000 $ i will buy something for me, my family (travel around the world) and try to help also other people and animals.

Why do you work as freelancer?

I sometimes hire freelancers and sometimes i am also freelancer so i know both sites 🙂
Last year was not so good for me so i decide to make some $ and reapire financial situation.
Work for myself or as a freelancer give me freedom – if i want to go for holiday for 1 month, i can do it. I also can work during such travel.

What is your favourite food?

I like all food but i try use healthy food – for example gluten free. It is not easy. I like mexican and thai food.

What is your favourite car?

Not very comfortable but i like Lamborghini Gellardo or Audi R8 – i hope i will buy one in the future 🙂

What camera, other equipment do you use?SAM_2434

I had few cameras like Nikon d800, Canon 5d2 but now i have Samsung NX1 and i like Samsung more then cameras i had earlier. This camera make great photos, videos (4k, slow motion). I have also few good lanses like for example 85mm 1.4, 45mm 1.8, 12mm 2.0.
I use also other equipment like lights etc.


Do you have any short and long term targets to reach?

Short: Last time i learn flying drone so in near future i’d like to have professional drone and make photos and videos from above.
Next month i will go to diving course with my wife so i hope my next target are also underwater photos and videos.

Long term. I’d like to have passive income from internet and i am working to reach this target.
The best thing is to connect hobby with work. Work is a pleasure then 🙂
I try work in areas i like and also to have passive income so then even if i don’t work or travel, i earn money.

How you get motivation?

It is not easy after few years of such work. I try to be positive and i like learn new things so it help me with motivation.
It is always good to try to be better and better.

What would you like to change in world (if you could do it)?

I’d like to change politicians… they kill the world last years and all the changes give us worse and worse world last years and new global problems.

Who will win Euro 2016?

Poland 😉 I hope in final will be Germany and Poland but Poland will win ;)))


Sandra, professional photographer and also photomodel


Looking around the street, oh there comes Sandra ….

Hello Sandra – nice to see you – how do you do

Hello Samy, how do you do? I’m fine ..

Thanks – so too. Have you time for a interview Sandra?

Yes, sure, what do you want do know 😉

OK, lets start 😉

Sandra, please tell us, where are you from and where do you live?

I live in beautiful, but very contrasting country, Ukraine!

Is this the right place for you and where would you like to live?

No really, but nevertheless it is a wonderful country, and where I would not live, I will always love her!  I would prefer a picturesque island with white sand, but near the megalopolis -)

What are your hobbies?

My main hobby is a sport! Sport gives me discipline and tempers the character!
If dont talk about the photo, is my love forever!
I like to be a photographer and model!


When did you start surfing the Internet and how did you come the first time on this?

It was a long time ago, it seems was my first job, I had a high speed internet -)

Do you have your own blog or Facebook page, or both?

I have, if not all, then almost all social resources -)

sandra2How old were you at your first photo shoot ?

If we talk of the first professional photo shoot, it was in 18!

What is your favorite color?

I like to juicy and bright colors green, blue, coral, yellow!

What’s your favorite animal and why?

I like dogs, they are very devoted, always in a good mood, in addition, they are very cute!

What do you prefer to wear?

I prefer to dresses, leggings and high heels -)

Do you like cooking? May I ask what is your favorite food?

I love to cook, I’m a classic girl -) but I try to eat healthy food!

Do you have a motto?

Yes  “Everything will be fine! Because the bad -does not arrange me!”

What do you wish for 2016?

In 2016, I wish the great wisdom for everyone! I want peace in the world!

Sandra, your answers make you very sympathetic – so i wish always much luck and all what you want 😉

Thank you Samy, wish you same too.

Also thanks for interview with me  😉


freelancer24-xyz-sandra© 2015, 2016 all rights reserved by Alexandra – Proudly presented by in cooperation with and others professionals.

Nina, versatile without end!

freelancer24-nina1(Nina on stairs in black wetlookleggings and highheels)

The Freelancer Interview with Nina – photo model




Hello Nina, nice to meet you –

Hello Samy, how do you do – i’m ready for your interview – let’s start ..

Where are you from and where do you live?

I’m from Bulgaria and I live here. I love to travel, so I live in different cities in my country.

Is this the right place for you and where would you like to live?

I love my country, we have awesome nature and history, also the people are communicative and friendly, but we have a lot of problems with our development. I want to live in some place where it’s always summer. :))

freelancer24-nina3(Nina on girlsjump series – jump with red highboots and summer fashion in cold winter)

What are your hobbies?

My hobbies are so much, but music is first, I love listening music, I play the piano, I love karaoke, I love dancing…

freelancer24-nina4I love to shoot interesting photos and I travel a lot. Also I love to read a book or just to play with my pets when I have free time.

When did you start surfing the Internet and how did you come the first time on this?

I was started to surfing in the Internet may be at 12 – 13 years old. I didn’t know anything for the computer, so everything was so much interesting for me.

How old were you at your first photo shoot?

My first picture was a few hours after my birth with my brother.

What is your favorite color?

My favorites colors are green and blue, but I love to wear black outfits.



What’s your favorite animal and why?

I love all the animals, this is one of my passion. I think we have to be careful with all of them. I have a dog, cat and ferret, I love all of them, so I don’t have favorite animal.

What do you prefer to wear?

I love to wear high heels, black and red outfits. My favorite outfit for the summer is long dress.


Do you like cooking? May I ask what is your favorite food?

I recently started to learn to cook and it’s become really interesting. Italian cuisine is my favorite.

Do you have a motto?

What doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger!

What do you wish for 2016?

The most important thing is health, I wish to everybody a lot of health. To myself… much more success than 2015.

Nina, you are a great girl, so thanks for this nice interview, all best for 2016 and much photomodel business!

Thank you, perhaps we can make a serie about historical places in my country?

Sounds great – i think we do it ! Cu, samy



Cooperation with photomodel Nina

Photo Model Nina works since 2015 for Webverlag ( and Midaswork ( – also for some other webs, for example, for the Schmutzfabrik LLC (1 – no telephon on sunday at schmutzfabrik!)

freelancer24-nina8winter girlsjump – that’s Nina !

freelancer24-nina9Nina busy in office

freelancer24-nina-gasmask-webverlag-netWhere is the sun – Nina with gasmask on roof

Imagespublishing – all rights reserved 2016 by and Blognetwork

Let’s talk with Joana

samys-talk-with-joanaHello Joana – how do you do?

Hello Samy, fine, nice to meet you!

Hope, you have a little time for an interview?

Oh, Samy, always for you!

OK, Joana, then we can start 😉

Let’s do it!

joana1Where are you from Joana and where do you live?

I am from Bulgaria and I live there.

Is this the right place for you and where would you like to live?

I love my country, but I think in America I will have more better development than here.

What are your hobbies?

I love to modeling , this is my job too. It is fantastic ,when you can work this what you like.

When did you start surfing the Internet and how did you come the first time on this?

I was may be 10 years old ,when i start to use internet.

How old were you at your first photo shoot?

I was 14 years old when I shot my first shoot.

What is your favorite color?


joana2What’s your favorite animal and why?

My favorite animal is a dog. I really think dogs are the best friend of human.

What do you prefer to wear?

I prefer to wear jeans and sneakers. Of course like almost every woman I love high heels and dresses.

Do you like cooking and may I ask what is your favorite food?

In fact I can not cook. I have several unsuccessful attempts. The thing I most love to eat is chocolate.

Do you have a motto?

Be yourself, there are enough other people.

What do you wish for in 2016?

Health and happiness to me and those around me!

Joana, that sounds good – so i wish you always health and happiness! Thank you, for this nice interview!

joana3Interview with Model Joana – Images 2015/2016 by

Interview with Freelancer Model Ann

Hello Ann, how do you do – have you time for a job interview?

Love for you always – let’s do ..

ann-interview1Fine, where are you from and where do you live?

I am from Poland and live in Katowice

Is this the right place for you and where would you like to live?

Is ok, but I would like live in Cyprus 🙂

What are your hobbies?

My hobbies are: travel, pets, fashion, health, photography

When did you start surfing the Internet and how did you come the first time on this?

I don’t remember but it was about 15 years ago and I need this for study

How old were you at your first photo shoot?

First photo I had when I was 1 year old 🙂

What is your favorite color?

My favourite color is black

ann-with-dogWhat’s your favorite animal and why?

My favourite animal is dog because is the best friend of people, he is very smart and unique 🙂

What do you prefer to wear?

Always highheels and weetlooklegins 🙂

Do you like cooking? May I ask what is your favorite food?

Yes, I like. My favourite food are: pizza, spagetti,chips and chilli con corne

Do you have a motto?

Yes, I have: Never a failure, always a lesson. If you can dream it, you can do it. Never say never.

What do you wish for 2016?

At first health because without health nothing is important

What is most important in your live?

Love 🙂

Ann, thank you for your time and this great interview. We wish you always a good time and continue a fruitful cooperation.

ann-forestPhotomodel Ann works since 2015 in some series very professional in cooperation with Midaswork and other networks.
© All rights reserved – Model Ann – with courtesy of the model for –

Ella – 11 questions and answers

ella-model-freelancerHello, where are you from and where do you live?

I’m from Romania and I am living in Berlin

Is this the right place for you and where would you like to live?

I don’t now if is the right place because I travel lot and Iike every country . For me,every country is beautiful in it’s own way! I like to live in a beautiful house with good people who surround me anywhere in the world.

What are your hobbies?

I have many hobies: I like to travel ,singing, I like to paint something, horsback riding, to read, to dance, to apply make-up, to do my manecure.

When did you start surfing the Internet and how did you come the first time on this?

I was started to the internet at 13 years old and I was curious to know how goes the computer.


How old were you at your first photo shoot?

When I started to make photos I have 12 years old and that was my first photo-shoot at a modeling agency.

ella-model-freelancer2What is your favorite color?

My favorite color is black , but I like the green-tree color, turquoise and the nude color.

What’s your favorite animal and why?

I don’t have a favorite animal because I love all animals. Now I have a little sick rabbit and I love him very much and I suppose for now my favorite animal is a little rabbit.

What do you prefer to wear?

I prefer to wear blue jeans , leggings and hightheels!

Do you like cooking? May I ask what is your favorite food?

No! I don’t like cooking ! Yes ! My favorite food are french fries!

Do you have a motto?

Not really; but I think it’s very good to be the best for to get money ,power and glory!…and I think, is good to help and love animals !!!…maybe sometimes is good for own person to do harm other people.

What do you wish for 2016?

I wish I do everything I want , health, money and luck !


Ella works since 2015 with success for the Midaswork group as a fotomodel.