Hello – how do you do?
Hello Samy, fine thanks, nice to meet you!
Hope, you have a little time for an interview?
Ok so let’s do it.
What are your hobbies?
Computers, computers and … computers 🙂
Ok only joke 😉 My main hobbies are: computers (internet, emarketing), sport, photography, travel…
What’s your favorite animal and why?
Dogs – the best animal and friend for people. My dog is very small but i think sometimes is more inteligent then some people 🙂
My dog can smile and he learn himself smiling watching what people do 🙂 When i wake up, my dog smile to me and is happy.
Do you have a motto?
If you can dream it, you can do it – my motto and tatoo 🙂
If you win 1 milion $ what would you do?
I do not know how to win million but i try to earn… and i prefer to earn then win because if i earn 1 milion, i can earn also second.
I hope i will reach it in few years 🙂
If i win 1 milion i invest 0,8 million and 200 000 $ i will buy something for me, my family (travel around the world) and try to help also other people and animals.
Why do you work as freelancer?
I sometimes hire freelancers and sometimes i am also freelancer so i know both sites 🙂
Last year was not so good for me so i decide to make some $ and reapire financial situation.
Work for myself or as a freelancer give me freedom – if i want to go for holiday for 1 month, i can do it. I also can work during such travel.
What is your favourite food?
I like all food but i try use healthy food – for example gluten free. It is not easy. I like mexican and thai food.
What is your favourite car?
Not very comfortable but i like Lamborghini Gellardo or Audi R8 – i hope i will buy one in the future 🙂
What camera, other equipment do you use?
I had few cameras like Nikon d800, Canon 5d2 but now i have Samsung NX1 and i like Samsung more then cameras i had earlier. This camera make great photos, videos (4k, slow motion). I have also few good lanses like for example 85mm 1.4, 45mm 1.8, 12mm 2.0.
I use also other equipment like lights etc.
Do you have any short and long term targets to reach?
Short: Last time i learn flying drone so in near future i’d like to have professional drone and make photos and videos from above.
Next month i will go to diving course with my wife so i hope my next target are also underwater photos and videos.Long term. I’d like to have passive income from internet and i am working to reach this target.
The best thing is to connect hobby with work. Work is a pleasure then 🙂
I try work in areas i like and also to have passive income so then even if i don’t work or travel, i earn money.
How you get motivation?
It is not easy after few years of such work. I try to be positive and i like learn new things so it help me with motivation.
It is always good to try to be better and better.
What would you like to change in world (if you could do it)?
I’d like to change politicians… they kill the world last years and all the changes give us worse and worse world last years and new global problems.
Who will win Euro 2016?
Poland 😉 I hope in final will be Germany and Poland but Poland will win ;)))